March 6, 2024

FYB AI Standards and Principles

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At FYB, we are committed to leading the way in ethical artificial intelligence practices within the information governance and content management industries. As we continue to integrate AI technologies into our products and services, it becomes imperative to uphold the highest standards of ethics and responsibility. Our AI Ethical Standards and Principles are designed to ensure that all AI-driven solutions developed or implemented by FYB are transparent, fair, and beneficial to all stakeholders. The principles will serve as a guiding framework that not only aligns with our core values, but also shapes our approach to innovation. By embedding these ethical principles into the heart of our operations, we aim to enhance trust, foster responsible use of technology, and ensure that our AI capabilities contribute positively to our client's success and the wider community.


  • At FYB, our goal is to enhance customer and end user experiences by integrating AI into our products and services. We actively seek opportunities for optimisation, personalisation, enhanced user experience and improved engagement.
  • To achieve this, we regularly gather feedback through our customer success function, and gather input from customers to understand challenges they face. We explore how our technology and services can address these challenges, leveraging AI tools and assets to their benefit.  
  • This process is ongoing and iterative, ensuring continuous improvement as we strive to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers and end users.


  • Transparency stands as one of FYB’s core values alongside Teamwork, Innovation, and Integrity, shaping our interactions with clients and colleagues alike.  
  • We uphold this value, by keeping clients informed about what we’re doing, and what we’re planning, through regular updates and communication about both the utilisation of AI in the services we deliver, and the ongoing incorporation of AI agents and tools into the software we build and support for our customers.  
  • It is our responsibility to ensure that customers are well-informed about the presence, capabilities, and limitations of AI technology, and how it may affect their use of FYB services and solutions.


  • Data quality, relevancy, and accuracy are foundational to the effectiveness of all AI models and concepts.
  • It is our responsibility to manage all relevant data in compliance with appropriate customer permissions, privacy principles and regulations, when it may relate to or be involved in any AI functionality or use cases within services and software that we build, support and deliver.
  • The collection, usage and storage of customer data will only be within appropriate contextual applications, in line with end-user’s rights, and adhering to established and appropriate standards for data governance.  


  • Empowering users with control and customisation over their interactions with AI ensures that they can personalise their experiences based on their preferences, values, and needs.
  • It is our duty to provide flexibility and choice, enhancing engagement and providing greater user satisfaction. Through configurable settings, users can adjust functionalities, preferences, and privacy settings, thereby promoting transparency and supporting informed decision making.
  • Continued research and development into customisation techniques, coupled with efforts to   educate users about making informed decisions with AI, demonstrate FYB's commitment to complying with legal and ethical standards.  


  • Ensuring the security of sensitive information, safeguarding user privacy and preventing malicious attacks are an imperative aspect of AI technologies. At FYB, we are committed to building solutions that inspire trust and confidence from our clients.  
  • FYB implements robust security measures, including advanced encryption protocols, preventing unauthorised access or inception by malicious actors. We conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weakness within our services and solutions.  
  • We prioritise regular risk assessments to stay vigilant against emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and regulatory changes. This approach allows us to adapt our security strategies accordingly, fostering a culture of security awareness and responsibility. We are dedicated to communicating these efforts and their importance to our clients, ensuring transparency, and reinforcing their trust in our services.  


  • It is essential for all AI incorporated into our software and services to provide a fair product experience. This promotes the empowerment of users to engage with a solution that is inclusive and unbiased, in alignment with ethical principles.  
  • FYB ensures a fair product experience by mitigating potential bias in the decision-making process, by upholding our core principles of transparency, accountably, and ethical values such as fairness and respect for human dignity.  
  • Engaging with a diverse clientele enables us to gather a wide range of insights, perspectives, and experiences regarding ethical considerations. This collaborative approach ensures that FYB adheres to a diverse set of ethical values and principles that align with industry standards.


  • To ensure transparency and responsible use of AI technology, our auditing process examines both data inputs and outcomes of the decision-making process. This allows clients to comprehend and verify the integrity and fairness of our AI solutions.  
  • At FYB, we have implemented features such as audit trails and logging functionality within our software, to track access to sensitive data and actions taken by the end user and AI systems, conducting regular audits of the AI technology, and establishing clear policies for accountability in its development and deployment, enforcing our commitments to ethical practises.  
  • FYB have instituted accountability mechanisms to hold responsible parties liable for any compliance breaches or misuse of data within our software and services. This proactive approach promotes trust among our clients.  


  • Continuous monitoring of the identification, access and mitigation of potential risk associated with AI technology is imperative throughout its lifecycle. Given the ever-evolving nature of technology, the adaptability to emerging vulnerabilities, threats and ethical considerations is crucial.  
  • At FYB, regular risk assessments, monitoring technology and applying security interventions and changes, ensures the effective implementation of mitigation strategies against identified risks.
  • FYB is dedicated to integrating risk management into AI development processes, ensuring the ongoing evaluation and adaption for detection and resolution of risks. This approach reinforces our commitment to maintaining integrity and security of our solutions.  


  • Continued innovation and growth are essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology trends and challenges. The advancements not only present opportunities for FYB, but also enhance the user experience for our customers.  
  • By continuously advancing our solutions and services, we provide skill development and promote knowledge sharing within FYB. This results in significant customer satisfaction and improved user experience.  
  • FYB's AI innovation team are dedicating to exploring, developing, and seizing creative opportunities presented by AI technology. As a collaborative force, this team plays a pivotal role in driving the continual growth of innovation at FYB.  

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